6th Grade Language Arts Grammar and Usage Definition of Sentence

Sentence: Definition & Types

Asentence is the largest unit of any linguistic communication. In English, information technology begins with a capital letter letter of the alphabet and ends with a full-stop, or a question mark, or an exclamation marker.

The sentence is generally divers as a word or a group of words that expresses a thorough thought by giving a statement/order, or asking a question, or exclaiming.


He is a good male child (statement), Is he a good boy? (question), What a nice weather! (exclaiming).

Ideally, a sentence requires at to the lowest degree ane field of study and 1 verb. Sometimes the field of study of a sentence tin can be hidden, just the verb must be visible and present in the sentence. Verb is called the middle of a sentence.


Do it. (In this sentence, a subject 'you' is hidden but verb 'do' is visible)

"[A sentence is] a grouping of words, ordinarily containing a verb, that expresses a thought in the class of a argument, question, instruction, or exclamation and starts with a uppercase letter when written." - (Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press.)

More Examples of Sentences

In other words, a complete English sentence must have three characteristics:

  • Showtime, in written form, a sentence begins with a upper-case letter and ends with a period (i.e., a full end) [.], a note of interrogation (i.e., a question mark) [?], or a note of assertion (i.e., an exclamation marker) [!].
  • Second, information technology must express a complete idea, not fragmented.
  • Tertiary, it must contain at least one subject (subconscious/visible) and i verb comprising an independent clause. (An contained clause contains an independent subject and verb and expresses a complete thought.)

Types of Sentences

Structurally, sentences are of four types:

  • Simple sentence
  • Chemical compound sentence
  • Complex sentence, and
  • Compound-circuitous sentence.

Unproblematic judgement

Aelementary sentence must have a single clause (a single verb) which is contained, and information technology cannot take another clause.


I always wanted to become a writer. (One clause – one verb)

Compound sentence

Acompound judgement must have more than one contained clause with no dependent clauses. Some specific conjunctions, punctuation, or both are used to join together these clauses.


I always wanted to become a writer, and she wanted to become a doctor. (2 contained clauses – two verbs)

Complex judgement

Acomplex judgement also has more than one clause but of one them must be an contained clause and the other/others must be (a) dependent clause(es). There are besides some detail connectors for the clauses of a complex sentence to be connected.


I know that you ever wanted to be a writer. (Here, a dependent clause is followed by a connector and an independent clause. The other way around is too possible.)

More Complex Sentence Examples

Compound-complex sentence

Achemical compound-complex sentence (orcomplex–compound judgement) is a mixture of the features of compound and complex sentences in one sentence. Then, information technology must comprise at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.


I know that you always wanted to become a writer, merely I always wanted to become a doc. (Here, one dependent clause is followed by a circuitous connector and ii contained clauses with a compound conjunction between them.)

Functionally, sentences are of mainly four types:

  • Declarative sentence
  • Imperative sentence
  • Interrogative sentence, and
  • Exclamatory sentence

Declarative sentence:

Anbelieving sentence (declarative sentence) simply expresses an opinion/feeling, or makes a argument, or describes things. In other words, it declares something. This type of sentence ends with a period (i.e., a full-stop).


  • I want to be a adept cricketer. (a statement)
  • I am very happy today. (a feeling)

More Examples of Declarative Sentence

Imperative sentence:

We apply an imperative judgement to make a asking or to give a command. Imperative sentences commonly finish with a period (i.eastward., a full stop), just nether certain circumstances, information technology can finish with a note of exclamation (i.eastward., exclamation mark).


  • Please sit.
  • I need you to sit down downwardly now!

More Examples of Imperative Judgement

Interrogative sentence:

Aninterrogative sentence asks a question. Interrogative sentences must end with a note of interrogation (i.e., question marker)


  • When are you going to submit your consignment?
  • Practise you know him?

More Examples of Interrogative Judgement

Exclamatory sentence.

Anexclamatory sentence expresses overflow of emotions. These emotions can be of happiness, wonder, sorrow, anger, etc.


    • What a day it was!
    • I cannot believe he would exercise that!

More Examples of Exclamatory Sentence


Source: https://www.learngrammar.net/english-grammar/sentence-definition-n-types

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